About us

“Save the Businessman in Yourself” is intended for mass popularization of Self-Education in the thinking community of Earth, and also for stimulating the driving forces of progress and evolution of mankind for the transition to the era of Wisdom and Awareness. We strongly believe that our generation has a key role in the future of Humanity.
Our goal is to prepare 7.2 million conscious, active and spiritually developed personalities, who will help our entire planet enter the era of Wisdom and prosperity!
Only 0.1% of the population is enough to become a conscious seed, which is destined to grow into a huge tree of initiation of the transformation process in the era of Wisdom.
The information era will soon end, and only thanks to people of knowledge, people with a thirst for self-education and understanding of the essence of things, we are destined to move into the era of Wisdom, in which information and knowledge are saturated with Goals and Principles.
The goal of the “Save the Businessman in Yourself” Project is to bring the Light of awareness and dispel the darkness of Ignorance. The Project team is distributed and mainly represented by citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Israel.
Our authors, volunteers and the main carriers of ideas work in the following areas: science and education (we have two PhDs), politics, human resource management (we have representatives of TOP management), psychology, high technology and IT. We do not have a goal of publicizing ourselves and our achievements – they are in our personal examples. Just try and you will see how simple everything is. Everything great and truly working is always very simple. You just need to apply a little Willpower, Discipline and Action.
”No sweet without some sweat!”
Website development is carried out during after hours, without external funding, only on the initiative of our friends. So, we ask you to accept it “as it is” and to send your wishes, recommendations and suggestions to our general mailbox info@savethebusinessman.ru Each of you will be heard.
We are against info-Gypsy, scammers with a “silver bullet” and other human life-stealers, who just distract us all from our Desires and Goals, making us stupid zombies and slaves of our subculture and our desires. With us you will not receive emotional injections. It will be only through Pain and Personal experience, but this path will definitely bring you to exactly where you want to be. The process will take some time, do not expect quick results - this is a Myth, the “silver bullet” does not exist!
We deliver age-old technology as it is and make it easily accessible. Your only payment for success in your personal life and the life of the planet is Conscious Actions. Nothing more is needed - Just do it!
We will help you to adjust Focus and to instill Discipline, and your only responsibility will be Desire to become better and to develop yourself.
This resource contains useful information necessary for the consolidation of a person around his own ideas and enterprise. After registration, users get access to the tools that add plasticity and integrity to their personality. Step by step, more and more new resource tools are being opened as the progress of the account develops. The path of development is not easy, but the results will justify every effort.
Focus, Discipline, Faith and Love for oneself and one's neighbours work miracles. We live in a world of abundance, each of us contains a huge resource for the fulfilment of desires. Life is Beautiful! There is just enough for everyone!
We get only what we really want to receive.
"Our result today is our yesterday's desires!"
Do not be fooled today but act Consciously and look courageously into the future.
There is always light! The sun is always shining! It’s just that sometimes it is not visible behind the clouds ...
Vladimir Fedotov, https://unsplash.com/@fedotov_vs